On Memorial Day weekend, we had some major events happen. First, Lindon preached at a church where we believed there would be a need for a interim pastor, or at least a need for weekly. Turns out, the church was not in a position to talk with Lindon about either of those things. We had hoped this position could be Lindon's transition to pastoral ministry, but though Lindon did get a handful of opportunities to fill the pulpit over the summer and fall, it did not turn into a regular gig.
Before we had a chance to be disappointed about that turn of events, Lindon got a phone call from a friend offering him a job in sales. While the job description and salary sounded very interesting, the catch (of course!) was that for the first three months, Lindon would need to work out of the company's office in Lock Haven, about 3 hours from here. After lengthy discussions and a bit of moaning (by me, of course!) about why things could never be easy, we decided that Lindon should take the job. He started July 2.

In late June, we traveled down to Tennessee for Fowler Family vacation. We discovered that vacationing with small children is exhausting, but loads of fun - especially when there is lots of cousin time and gorgeous mountains.
In July, Lindon started his new job. We also had Shields baptized and celebrated a few birthdays. Lindon was in his friend Matt's wedding, too. And we got to see the Loaneys, some precious friends from St. Louis who came to the area for Matt's wedding. It was a joy to reconnect with them, even if it was just for an evening.
In August, my sister got married, and we traveled with Lindon to Lock Haven for a week. Lock Haven is gorgeous, and being there felt peaceful and rejuvinating. We brought along the double stroller and walked everywhere, exploring the many parks and playgrounds throughout this darling town. Every day I thought to myself, "I could definitely live here!" When I saw the Lock Haven Jaycees temple for sale right on the riverfront, I began scheming how we could purchase it and turn it into a Reformed church right in that lovely college town...

In late July Lindon learned that one of his former classmates urgently needed a place in St. Louis to live. And we had such a place! So now we have tenants for our house, and we are looking for our own place to live. This process has been emotional, but knowing we are getting close to once again having our of space is comforting. We are so grateful to our families for letting us stay with them for all these months, and we want to show our gratitude by not overstaying our welcome!
And that - along with lots of trips to the parks, getting to know new friends, learning to catch a ball, learning to hit a ball with a bat, figuring out how to crawl, and learning how to stand - pretty much summarizes our summer.
So now that we have all of that written down, I plan to take a break from posting on this blog and eventually shut it down. There are other things that demanding my attention, so it's better that I not even put this on my to-do list. It was a short-lived endeavor, and one into which I never really put too much effort. But with two small kids, there are other things I need to do.
Like playing in the leaves, chasing a mad crawler, or going to bed at a reasonable hour.
And I am going to work on that last one right now!